Thursday, October 23, 2014

DIY Toddler Halloween Lacing Cards in 15 Minutes

Oh, how I love nap time. It's that beautiful hour of quite and peace. I can eat my lunch without holding a wiggling baby. No one is screaming at me to make them a "sammich" or crying for milk. No cleaning up spills, messes or spit up. Never mind that my lunch is cold. God forbid the buttons or chime on the microwave wake them up. I don't mind tiptoeing around the house or using the bathroom at the other end of the house so they don't hear a sound. My sneak-around skills rival that of a teenager prowling at night. Its my saving grace, this quiet. I can sit and stare at the wall...mind numbing silence! The bliss! It's heaven, I'm telling ya!
On good days when I manage to get both the sweet monster and monkey down simultaneously, I may even start on dinner or work on a project. Today was a good day, and luckily, because I innocently volunteered myself to take the lead of my tots Halloween party for her preschool class. Of course I had no idea what that entailed as this was our first year in preschool and I had never even been to a preschool party. Nonetheless, I enthusiastically emailed the director and said how excited I'd be to help out. I am now in charge if orchestrating games, crafts, activities, and snacks for a dozen 2-3 year olds. EEK!
I knew the first thing I had to do was delegate! and you can bet I delegated! I've now got a list of awesome parents bringing in everything needed. I wanted to tackle the crafts and activities and had some ideas of what I wanted to do. Today while my sweet monster and monkey napped, I completed their party activity.
Thanks to Pinterest I found these adorable Halloween lacing cards that are super easy and can hold the attention of a tot at least for a few minutes. They are pretty simple and quick to put together but so darn cute! You can find the free printable here. I customized the size and opted to just stick with the mummies so that there wouldn't be any fuss over sharing. The beauty of these mummies is that there is no rhyme or reason to how the laces must go. Very toddler friendly. Here's what to do:

You will need:
A Printer
Heavy card stock  (white)
Laminating sheets
A hole punch
Shoe laces, Ribbon, or yarn (though show laces work best)

Print out your images on heavy card stock. You can use regular printer paper as well but the heavier paper works best to limit bending when lacing the cards. I shrunk my image and make two per page since I needed over a dozen of them.
Laminate the entire page. Laminating sheets are simple. You partially remove the film and lay your image onto the paper backing. Then slowly lay the laminating film back down over your image to avoid wrinkles and press. Remove the paper backing. Viola! You can laminate the front and back for added stability if you desire.
Cut the image out along the dotted edge.
Use hole punch at the designated holes or add more if you'd like.
You're done!

Let you little pull a shoe lace through the holes and wrap the mummy. You may want to start them off and show them how. It is also a good idea to knot one end of the shoe lace so that it doesn't pull all the way through. This activity is great for fine motor skills. You can really have fun with these by adding stickers or googly eyes.

Enjoy! And Happy Halloween!

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